Whether it’s securing entire supply chains or rapidly and precisely tracking human wellness, our portfolio of solutions is designed to find molecular activity and translate it into comprehensive and actionable data.

Heat, light, pressure, oxygen – there are countless environmental triggers that can cause notable changes to a product’s state.
Our molecular additives and proprietary software can sense subtle perturbations in molecular activity to signify changes to a product and its environment.
Using the same photo-physical principles as a laboratory technique that gives ultra-sensitive limits of detection, our algorithms interpret signals from our additives to communicate new levels of information to the user in ways that can ensure quality, verify authenticity, enable traceability, and engage consumers.
Contact us to learn more about our products and partnership opportunities
health & diagnostics
For the first time, laboratory-quality medical diagnostics can be achieved
at home in 15 minutes or less.
Halo™️ comprises a re-usable, low-cost reader and a variety of lateral flow assays (LFAs) to create a diverse portfolio of rapid diagnostics tests with
best-in-class sensitivity for identifying pathogens, wellness biomarkers, and contaminants using fluorescence and colorimetric detection methods.